Contracts make the business world go round. Contracts contain the promises between the contracting parties which govern the terms of their relationship with respect to the goods or services to be provided, compensation to be paid or received, circumstances under which the contract remains in effect and other obligations by which the parties must abide. Contracts can be written or oral. Verbal agreements can be just as binding as written agreements in many circumstances. Contracts allow businesses to plan their future needs and therefore there is an expectation when entering into a contract that the promises made will be kept.

Unfortunately, if you are a party to enough business contracts, eventually you will find yourself in a contract dispute with the other contracting party no matter how carefully the contract was prepared. This can be because the business, partner or customer you entered a contract with simply refuses to honor its promises or because there is a dispute about the meaning of a contractual provision.

A seemingly simple contract dispute is often much more complex than it appears on its face. While you may be able to resolve the dispute without resorting to litigation, the courts are available to enforce your contractual rights if negotiation fails to resolve the matter. It is important to seek the help of experienced attorneys to protect your rights as soon as possible after your contract dispute arises. The attorneys at Derryberry Zips Wade Lawhorn know the court system and contract law and they are ready to put their experience to work for you.

Our attorneys can assist clients with business disputes arising from a vast array of contracts, including:

  • License agreements
  • Employment agreements
  • Real Estate agreements
  • Oil and Gas related agreements
  • Contracts for the sale of businesses, assets and goods
  • Insurance policies
  • Service agreements
  • Distribution agreements

Because we are not a mega-sized law firm with endless administrative hurdles, we are able to determine very quickly whether we can accept your business dispute and begin your legal representation almost immediately. Our ability to respond quickly may be able to minimize the effects on your business operations where one of your business partners is refusing to keep its promises. When you hire us, you can rest assured that you will work directly with an experienced business disputes attorney who can effectively handle your matter, not with some lawyer who will pass your case off to a young inexperienced lawyer to use your case as a training tool.

Our approach to business disputes is to tailor our strategy to the client’s needs. Not all disputes will require litigation and we acknowledge that most businesses would prefer to preserve business relationships and avoid going to the courthouse to resolve their business disputes. Therefore in appropriate situations we will attempt to, and in the past have been able to, resolve contract disputes through letters and informal negotiations prior to commencing a lawsuit.

The experienced attorneys at Derryberry Zips Wade Lawhorn know how to handle claims and litigation stemming from contract disputes and they vigorously pursue justice to obtain you the benefit of your original bargain with the breaching party. Contact us today and put experienced legal advocates to work on your behalf.